Welcome to our new leadership blog. We are so glad you’re here!

Being a leader, whether it is of a small team or an entire organization, can be a challenging—but extremely rewarding—gig.

Leaders have the power to make a positive impact on the people who report to them. An impact that has a ripple effect through the organization and beyond as employees interact with internal and external customers.

You’ve probably heard the adage that “People don’t leave bad companies; they leave bad leaders,” and we agree mostly. Of course, people leave organizations for all sorts of reasons, including better pay and benefits, more work/life balance, increased advancement and development opportunities, a closer commute, and the list goes on.

So, of course, people leave amazing leaders. They also leave amazing companies because of bad leaders. In fact, you don’t even have to be a “bad” leader. You could just be the wrong type of leader for a particular person.

Leading today’s workforce

We’re living and working during a time when effective leadership has never been more important. Unemployment rates are still low, increasingly people are stepping out of corporate settings and becoming contractors and freelancers, and the majority of the workforce—Millennials—isn’t afraid to move on if a better opportunity comes up.

The key to holding on to critical and top talent, in our humble opinion, is better leadership. Great leaders inspire and motivate people. Great leaders drive higher performance and achieve better results. Great leaders get the best out of their people, even during times of upheaval and turmoil. Great leaders build loyalty and commitment. Great leaders succeed.

At Jackson-Schmidt consulting, we’re in the business of coaching all leaders, whether they are brand-new to the job or have been at it for years, to be great. To be great communicators, delegators, coaches, mentors and more.

We are so excited to share this blog with you and all the actionable, practical advice that you can use as you navigate the ups and downs of being a leader.

So, here’s to your success!