Leadership Unfiltered
Your Source of Leadership Advice
Complicated Conversations: 5 Keys to Navigating Tricky Communication
It can be hard to believe when you are embroiled in a heated or awkward discussion, but those difficult conversations are often highly meaningful. They offer you an opportunity to clear confusion, right wrongs, build trust, fix mistakes, and strengthen everything from...
Proven Time-Management Strategies for Time-Strapped Leaders
Let’s take a moment for you to be truly honest with yourself. Do you find yourself: Feeling overwhelmed or worried about work? Rushing to meetings or even arriving late? Procrastinating on important projects? Spending more and more time at work to get it all done? ...
Need a Confidence Boost? Here Are Four Proven Strategies
Real talk: The last couple of years haven’t exactly been easy on leaders. It’s been hard to motivate, engage, and rally employees during a global pandemic, economic anxiety, and what has felt like non-stop social unrest. So, it is more than understandable if your...
Plan an Organization-Wide Leadership Development Program
In our last post, we talked about how critical it is to keep your leadership pipeline full and highlighted how to identify people within your organization who could become future leaders. This week we want to talk about implementing a leadership development program...
Keeping the Leadership Pipeline Full: How to Assess Leadership Potential
For way too many organizations, the leadership pipeline is tapped out. In fact, according to the 2021 Global Leadership Forecast, only 11% of surveyed organizations reported they have a “strong” or “very strong” leadership bench. Making the issue more challenging—or...
Passing the Torch: How to Develop Leadership Talent from Within
If you are responsible for recruiting and hiring new leaders in your organization, I highly recommend you keep two important things in mind: You shouldn’t wait until you need to fill a position to start looking for a replacement. You likely...
Should You Hire an External Coach for Your Organization?
Coaches can be instrumental in helping leadership, teams and organizations as a whole navigate change, manage transitions, improve overall performance and address culture concerns. In fact, as organizations prepare to return to work and recover from economic...
Develop the Right Change Mindset
Change is inevitable. You know that. You also know that change is the catalyst for innovation and growth. You know that change is necessary, and as a leader, it’s your job to guide your employees through change and ensure the best possible outcome. Still, what if...
Happy Holidays from JS Consulting!
For many of us, 2020 was chock-full of challenges, but I think it was also full of meaningful lessons. Many of us learned how capable we are of rising to a challenge and leading through turmoil. We learned how to pivot and keep things moving, even with little...
Prioritizing Connections on Your Virtual Team
Whether your situation will remain virtual for only a little while longer or it’s more permanent, here are some ways you can maintain meaningful connections with your employees and colleagues.